Sunday 23 July 2023

Ambush in Bleakmoore

 This game was inspired by Table Top Teaser No2 Wagon Train by C S Grant that appeared in Battle for Wargamers magazine in April 1978. I played the scenario many times as a teenager using Airfix figures.

In this version, men from the Barony of Bleakmoore are bringing supplies to a small fortified camp in the Marches. They are led by Sir Roderik of Spode (name borrowed from PG Wodehouse). As they approach the fort they are attacked by mounted Wildmen. The fort garrison may not venture out but can fire and defend themselves.

The first wave of wildmen appear over the hill

The supply wagon

The wagon moves on while fighting ensues on the left side

The next wave of wildmen have struck the front of the column

Turn 13 Sir Roderik has fallen and the Bleakmoore men reach Exhaustion Point

The victorious Wildmen make off with the wagon of supplies despite a flurry of arrows from the fort.
*New* Unit type Peasants SP2 move as Infantry.

First Mini-Campaign: Part Two


A scene from the battle at the forests edge - Bradgrik and Gunagg meet in battle

The diminutive Dwarf force is further reduced 


*New Creature*: Cave Giant (Troglodyte) stats: SP4, Move as Giant, +1 Attack bonus, may throw rocks 2 grid squares during firing phase.

First Mini-Campaign: Part 1

 This Mini-Campaign relates to events taking place in Nordland, beyond the Barony of Bleakemoore. The text was committed to parchment by one Brother Jacques of the Abbey of Saint Bernard. 

A scene from the late stage of the battle