Sunday 13 August 2023

The Attack upon Saint Barnabas's Retreat

 Following his successful attack on the Bleakmoore supply caravan, that resulted in the death of Sir Roderick, Chief Guthrumm was emboldened and led another attack into the Barony.

His target was the Retreat of St Barnabas, a monastic complex in the hilly country near the (notional) border with Nordland on the very edge of the Northern March. The Monks of St Barnabas had established the Monastery one hundred years previously to serve as both a centre for prayer and to play a missionary role in converting the Wild Men to the true faith.

Recent raids on the Monk's farm land had resulted in the Baron sending a small force of his soldiery to defend the Monastery. As Guthrumm's force approached these men were already behind the thick walls of the Retreat...

Turn 1 sees the arrival of the Wild Men. The Bleakmoore soldiers, 1 unit of Men at Arms and 2 units of Archers are behind the walls. The Wild Men have no missile troops and are relying on a mass attack of the walls to overcome the enemy. To score a hit on the defenders the attacking men need to roll a 6. The defenders have a 360 arc of fire. To win the Wild Men need to hold the Monastery on Turn 15.  The Baron will arrive with reinforcements on Turn 4+1d6 - a roll of 4 meant he'd arrive on Turn 8.

A hail of arrows met the charging Wild Men; a few fell and did not get up. The attack on the walls was grim and some Bleakmoore men had already become casualties early in the fight. The Monks tended to the wounded inside the church.

Fearing the arrival of reinforcements, Guthrumm positioned his horsemen to the East of the Monastery. The attack continued through the morning, but the Bleakmoore men held on.

 As midday past the Baron and his horsemen rode into the valley. Sighting the enemy they charged.

Guthrumm and his men put up a staunch fight but as the afternoon wore on it was clear that they weren't going to defeat the Baron this day.

Turn 12 saw the Wild Men reach Exhaustion Point and by the end of the day Guthrumm admitted defeat and rode away with his remaining men in tow. Victory for the Baron.