Saturday 30 September 2023

The Battle at the Village of Wich

 On hearing reports that the Ogre Mazrug was leading a band of Orcs towards the border village of Wich, the Baron immediately sent a small force to defend the citizens. He would personally lead another force, aiming to arrive just before the enemy. (The inspiration for the game was Peter's recent Scenario which can be found Here).

The defenders would be two units of the Baron's men-at-arms and a unit of locals with bows.

Mazrug (General) arrived to the North of Wich, shortly before the Baron. A unit of Warg Riders that he had sent ahead were to the East of the river, and delayed whilst they constructed a log bridge. The Baron's force would arrive in the North East, using the existing crossing point. 

Mazrug's main force advance

The Baron's force crosses the bridge North of the ravine

The attack begins. (Wich is treated as defended so -1 to attack dice)

Casualties mount on both sides

Orcs are in the village!

The Baron's force reach Exhaustion Point and can no longer advance

Mazrug's force reach EP without securing the village

Mazrug chose to advance all his force towards the objective rather than leaving a rear guard. I decided that the Ogre had no news of the Baron's force that was approaching fast behind him. This is a nice little scenario that definitely needs to be played again.
The Baron has unfinished business with the Ogre Mazrug who has inflicted great loss of life in Wich, though the village held out against the attackers.