Saturday 17 February 2024


 The Dwarf High King has instructed his son Kassarlun and his Wizard Grimlough to travel in secret to the far North of the Forest of Dimm. Their mission is to try and discover what (or who) has been stirring up the Goblins and Wildmen, leading to more frequent attacks on the Dwarves.  

I'm still working on a set of Skirmish/Tabletop RPG rules based on Swords, Sorcery & Squares, and the following game is part of the development process.

The Dwarves need to get across the board to move onto the next stage

Attacked by wolves

The wolves are driven off temporarily 
The wolves block the Dwarves path

The Wizard climbs a tree and hurls down fireballs

Eventually the fireballs succeed in killing a wolf

The remaining wolf is chased off

The Dwarves must now rest while the Wizard attends to their wounds, before continuing their journey North.


  1. Was this a “random” encounter as the Dwarves make their journey of discovery?
    Are there just a couple of Dwarves in the party, or do the two miniatures represent a somewhat bigger group? I dare say it would be helpful if the party had someone with skills of a woodsman, tracker or ranger. Of course, you may just have to make do with what you have.
    I suppose the Dwarves need to maintain some level of secrecy, else the “bad guys” will be alerted - like moths to a flame.
    It’s a fine balancing act. The wizard may be able to heal wounds, but this all takes time - time which may allow the enemy to gather their forces.

    1. This wasn't random as I was trying out the system. Bit touch a go at some points! At this level each figure represents an individual.
      Wilderness encounters can be quite tough as any hits have to be cured while hanging about in the Wilderness!

  2. Well, looks like the system works ✔️πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ. Are the opponents randomly generated, or following a script?

    1. Cheers Martin. Sort of worked. This was a bit of a trial run and proved more difficult than expected!

  3. Keep going this looks exciting, you will find a way that works just right!

  4. Enjoyed catching up on the scenarios! Especially loved the wild men and the goblins in previous scenarios, I’m playing on similar scenarios right now!
